The deadline for handing in the Key Stage 4 Options Form is Monday 11th March. If you are still not sure about which courses to choose or where they might lead, here are some websites which might help you:
- Careerscape and Kudos at Cascaid - these are two interactive tools with questionnaires, videos and case-studies to help inform your decision-making. You'll need the code provided with your Options Booklet to access the software;
- i-could - a site with videos and a 'careers wizard' to get you thinking;
- Growing Ambitions - a guidance site aimed at parents as well as pupils;
- BestCourse4Me - a site which helps you to map out possible pathways from Year 10 to university and beyond;
- Parent-Adviser - a site aimed at helping parents support their children's decision-making;
- The National Careers Service - a Government site with guidance about all aspects of study, training and employment.
Remember, there's still plenty of time to get the impartial advice and guidance you need. Don't forget that you can book a meeting with Jackie Duffy, our Youth Connexions Personal Adviser, through Mr Cross, Mr Sievewright or Mrs Darnell.