A Higher Apprenticeship incorporates a work-based learning programme and leads to a nationally recognised qualification at Level 4 and above:
- a Level 4 and 5 is equivalent to a higher education certificate, higher education diploma or a foundation degree
- a Level 6 is equivalent to a bachelor degree
- a Level 7 is equivalent to a master’s degree
They offer a new work-based route into professions which have traditionally been the preserve of graduates and you enter a Higher Apprenticeship after your have completed your 'A' levels or other Level 3 qualifications.
Over 40 different subjects are currently covered, ranging from commercial airline piloting to legal services, representing hundreds of job roles. You can see a list of Higher Apprenticeship opportunities here.
Why should you consider a Higher Apprenticeship? Well, a study by ICM Research has revealed that employers in England rate qualified Higher Apprentices as 25 per cent more employable than those who took an alternative route into work.