This blog is designed to keep you up-to-date with Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) available locally, nationally and through the school. I’ll be posting information about employment and training opportunities available locally as well as details of open days and useful websites. The world of education, employment and training opportunities is changing rapidly so keep checking in for the latest information.

Mr Cross

Monday, 27 January 2020

Aspiration Nation

This infographic, recently published in the i newspaper, shows the mismatch between the aspirations of young people and the employment prospects currently available to them.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

UCAS has announced how T levels, due to be introduced from September 2020, are to be graded. T-levels contain a mixture of classroom learning and "on-the-job" experience, including a placement in the workplace of at least 315 hours. Candidates will be awarded one of four overall grades, ranging from Distinction* to a Pass. They will also get a nationally recognised certificate which will show their overall grade and a breakdown of what they have achieved across the T-level programme.

Employment in the UK

This infographic from the i newspaper shows the recent trends in employment in the UK.