This blog is designed to keep you up-to-date with Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) available locally, nationally and through the school. I’ll be posting information about employment and training opportunities available locally as well as details of open days and useful websites. The world of education, employment and training opportunities is changing rapidly so keep checking in for the latest information.

Mr Cross

Monday, 26 November 2012

Research claims that the key to career success is Self-Confidence

Research from the University of Melbourne's School of Social and Political Sciences has revealed a strong correlation between confidence and occupational success.  As part of the pilot study, researchers interviewed more than 100 employees from large corporations in Melbourne, New York City and Toronto about their levels of confidence while in elementary school, high school, college and on the job.
Self Confidence

Those who self-reported higher levels of confidence earlier in school were earning better wages and were being promoted more quickly.  The research suggests that confident employees have more successful careers than their peers who aren't as self-assured.  The study's lead author, Dr Reza Hasmath, said the research demonstrates a crucial ingredient of workplace advancement.  “The secret to success at work doesn't seem to be about who you know, or even what you know, but how you feel about yourself,” he said.
Better Job Prospects

The survey found that confident people were more likely to be hired in the first place - and that this confidence begins in school.  Adults who were confident as children are more likely to be promoted to high-paid jobs. Dr Hasmath went on: "The findings imply that we should stress confidence-building activities at an early age. Such activities should be strongly encouraged both in formal schooling and within the family unit."  "The implications are tremendous in terms of the personality employers should look for when it comes to hiring or promoting staff," Hasmath said.
Confidence, Height & Looks

He went on to say that the findings also shed new light on previous studies that argued better-looking people were more likely to get ahead in the workplace, or that taller people earn higher salaries  "We now know it's actually higher confidence levels - which may be a by-product of attractiveness and height - which make all the difference," Hasmath said.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

'Fashion Fusion' - free two-day courses for 16-18 year olds

The Fashion and Textiles Museum which is located in SE1, London, offers a range of exhibitions and courses related to media, creative design, art and fashion.  This December and January, they are offering free, two-day courses for 16 - 18 year-olds called Fashion Fusion, covering topics such as 'Fashion Sketchbook' and 'Fashion Career'.  Click here for booking details and course dates.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

One-day conferences in Law and Medicine for Year 9 &10 students

The Workshop-Conferences organisation, which runs a highly successful programme of residential careers workshops for Sixth Form students, has now extended its range of courses to include students in Years 9 & 10 and their parents.  They are run under the names MED-Link-X and Law-X and are scheduled to take place on Saturdays in January and February 2013 in London and Nottingham.  For more information, click on the links or get a leaflet from the school Careers Library.

Courses for future professionals

Workshop Conferences  -  the organisation behind MED-LINK courses  -  has announced a range of career-based courses and workshops for Year 12 & 13 students to take place this Winter and Spring.  The courses are residential and are based at the University of Nottingham.  They include the following titles:  Exploring Chemistry, Exploring Physiotherapy, Exploring Psychology, Exploring Journalism and Forensics:CSI.  For more information, see the poster and course brochures in the school Library.  For booking details, click here.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Morrisby Careers Profiling

The Vocare company is offering to run the Morrisby Profile test in school for students in Years 10 to 12.  This is a series of tests lasting approximately three hours which the Morrisby organisation uses to generate a profile of an individual’s interests, abilities and aptitudes relevant to the world of work.  You can try some practice profile questions here. 
If there is sufficient interest, Vocare would run the tests in school on the morning of 15th February 2013 which is the INSET day before the Spring Half Term holiday.  If only a few Beaumont students wish to take the test, Vocare may offer them the opportunity to complete the profiling at another local school.  This letter and pamphlet from Vocare provide additional information about the Morrisby Profile.  If you wish your child to undertake the profiling, please return the slip to me at school as an expression of interest.  No payment is required at this time but should the process proceed, cheques should be made payable to ‘Vocare’.
The school has hosted Morrisby Profiling in previous years and students and their parents have valued the outcomes but please note that Vocare is a private company and not part of Beaumont School.  Several organisations offer free, on-line, basic skills profiling tests, some of which can be accessed through this blog …

Thinking about 'A' level courses?

Youth Connexions has compiled a list of careers with the GCSE and 'A' level courses which best suit entry into them.  Click here to view the list.  This can be compared with the Russell Group's guidance on what they call 'facilitating subjects'  -  those which they believe provide the widest access to courses at their universities.  These can be found in their booklet Informed Choices

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

'Inspiration for Your Career'

The i-could website offers you the opportunity to 'discover your potential' with a range of interactive features, including questionnaires and videos and a 'careers wizard'.  You can take the 'Buzz Test' to find out which careers suit your personality type and see how well you cope with a virtual working life by playing the 'Me Tycoon' game ...

A Parent's Guide to Careers ...

Confused about how to help your child choose a course or career path?  The Times Educational Supplement operates a careers guidance website  -  Growing Ambitions  -  which provides a very useful overview for students and parents of the wide range of pathways into employment, training and higher education available to young people.

The Apprenticeship Guide 2013

The Apprenticeship Guide provides advice for young people about how to apply for an Apprenticeship, including guidance on creating a CV and how to write a covering letter for your application.  It also contains lots of information, including case studies, about over 150 different types of Apprenticeship, divided into 15 different areas, such as Beauty, Media, Business & IT, Construction and Sport.  The 2013 edition of the guide is available in the Careers Reference section of the school Library.

Guidance on transition to the Sixth Form

There is a 'Post-16 Pathways' Evening for Year 11 students and their parents taking place on Thursday 8th November, 2012.  This will provide further information about the transition process and entry requirements for joining the BeauSandVer Consortium Sixth Form.  Students from 11L, E or A should attend the meeting held at Beaumont at 7.00 p.m.  Students from 11R, N or S should attend the meeting held at Sandringham at 8.00 p.m.