This blog is designed to keep you up-to-date with Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) available locally, nationally and through the school. I’ll be posting information about employment and training opportunities available locally as well as details of open days and useful websites. The world of education, employment and training opportunities is changing rapidly so keep checking in for the latest information.

Mr Cross

Friday, 9 November 2012

Morrisby Careers Profiling

The Vocare company is offering to run the Morrisby Profile test in school for students in Years 10 to 12.  This is a series of tests lasting approximately three hours which the Morrisby organisation uses to generate a profile of an individual’s interests, abilities and aptitudes relevant to the world of work.  You can try some practice profile questions here. 
If there is sufficient interest, Vocare would run the tests in school on the morning of 15th February 2013 which is the INSET day before the Spring Half Term holiday.  If only a few Beaumont students wish to take the test, Vocare may offer them the opportunity to complete the profiling at another local school.  This letter and pamphlet from Vocare provide additional information about the Morrisby Profile.  If you wish your child to undertake the profiling, please return the slip to me at school as an expression of interest.  No payment is required at this time but should the process proceed, cheques should be made payable to ‘Vocare’.
The school has hosted Morrisby Profiling in previous years and students and their parents have valued the outcomes but please note that Vocare is a private company and not part of Beaumont School.  Several organisations offer free, on-line, basic skills profiling tests, some of which can be accessed through this blog …

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